Thursday, June 18, 2009


A lot of people don't know there is a second Hollywood.
Hollywood, Florida.
It is kind of like the same thing except the most famous person is Dan Marino. Ok that's totally not the same thing at all. But you know what I mean, the tans are bad and the people are trashy.

I lived on Hollywood Beach in a hotel paid for by the US Government when I was a kid. My mom's second husband (I list second because it's third now) had some kind of Secret Service type job that I didn't know much about let alone care much about at the time that had moved us down there for a few years.

I was stoked on this because the Hollywood Beach Hotel was down the street from my cousin Brian who lived with my uncle Mike who looked like David Lee Roth. Uncle Mike ran down the strip of Hollywood Beach everyday with his shirt off, leather skin gleaming in the sun. I bet he is still doing that and the leather is just more damaged. Actually I wonder what happened to COUSIN BRIAN come to think of it. He is probably really serious with kids and an addiction to the Miami Dolphins where as my version of 26 is posting on Twitter about bad Pink Panther tattoos and Steely Dan.

There was and I'm sure still is not shit to do on Hollywood Beach. There was an arcade and a movie theatre painted Pink. Not sassy pink but faded Miami 70's pink. I saw Cool Runnings there. We stayed in a suite on the top floor and I made shitty drawing in a ratty sketch pad I had trying to be Jim Lee or something. At the time I didn't know I was destined to make bad music instead of bad drawings. Someone recently told me about how that area and Pembroke Pines, where I would later live, is now a huge booming commercial district instead of it's previous incarnation as a backdrop to Scarface.

I was thinking on checking into the Hollywood Beach Hotel sometime but that kind of full circle may blow my fucking mind too much. Uncle Mike if you are reading this hit me up I wanna go on a run and I'm sorry that I called you David Lee Roth but it was a complement you know?

1 comment:

Ted James said...

That video is epic.