This is my favorite picture of all time I think. This is Dan Burns the morning after our Myrtle Beach date at the amazing Scott Smallin's new posh pad. I threatened over the mic at least twice that I was moving in. Dude lives what I'd like to refer to as "the life". If I am a good doobie in this life I hope to come back as Scott Smallin.
Also, while I'm back tracking here, some serious weird shit went down while we were in NC. If I didn't mention it before, Greenville North Carolina looks a bit like 28 days later or something. There are tons of buildings and houses and cars but no one walking around. The locals blamed it on Memorial Day, but there was still something eerie about it. We went to a Hess station to buy some gangsta 40's, yet another thing you cannot do in the north, and while we were in there this crack head looking like Juelz Santana came swaying in. We got our stuff and were waiting for the last of us who were inside when I hear the old leather lady behind the counter scream "STOP HIM!". Juelz started to speed off on his (most likely stolen) women's bike and we were stunned and just looked at each other. This trucker who was outside silently smoking the entire time grabbed his arm causing an 18 RACK of beer to fall from underneath his tall tee. Although Juelz did get away, the box smashed to the ground and beers were rolling all over the parking lot.
You have to understand how big an 18 rack is. Seriously, look down at the shirt you're wearing right now. How big of a box can you fit underneath that? Like a box of tissue maybe at best. Well dude had a box the size of a 3 year old child underneath there and attempted to transport it via WOMEN'S BIKE. I guess go big or go home right?
Missing one of many continental breakfast's during hotel stays, we left Greenville feeling good. The kids love to do drugs and pogo and the thieves got balls. When we get to D.C I realize the towel in my bag is what was causing the peculiar odor in the back of the van. Towels in bags apparently have the shelf life of about 5 or 6 days before turning on you. I thew it away in a garbage barrel near some projects and carried some gear into the venue.
The last time Spanish had played The Red & Black, it was just me, a mini synth, a light, some eggshakers, and a mic. This was on tour with THE SHOW IS THE RAINBOW. Darren Keen had watched a GG video at Petersen's old pad the night before and was subconsciously inspired to get naked and throw something as hard as he could at his projector screen. He said it was just coincidence and would have gotten naked anyway but I don't know about that.
This was the first and only venue that fucked us for money on tour. It happens. You have a ton of paying people at the door and are greeted with a shrug at the end of the nite by the owner. It's not like being a prostitute and you just call your pimp. Although having some guy that looks like Disco Rick break someones legs would have been nice. So you just collect your losses and sell some black metal tees and head out. The crowd did rule though. Some kid did the worm during FATHER CHARISMA of all songs!
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